29 September 2024,   07:24
The more support the Georgian Dream receives, the fewer obstacles the country’s overall progress and economic development would face - Political Council

The Political Council of “Georgian Dream” [GD] issues a statement and calls upon all citizens who value peace, stability, and traditional values in Georgia to participate in the October 26 elections.

“If the stay-at-home voters or the opposition’s electorate had won in 2020 or 2021, Georgia would be in a worse situation than Ukraine today, and we would no longer have a country. In the future, we must not allow such a risk even at a theoretical level. The greater the electoral support for the GD, the less temptation there will be for Georgia’s ill-wishers to try once again to destabilize country, return their agents – local war party – to power, and open a 2nd front in Georgia. The greater the electoral support for the GD, the calmer November, December, and the next 4 years will be. The more support the GD receives, the fewer obstacles the country’s overall progress and economic development would face.

Consequently, our country’s number one task in these elections is to strengthen peace as much as possible, for which each voter’s vote is of particular importance. Moreover, the share of mandates that the GD receives will directly correspond to the rate by which peace will be strengthened and reinforced in our country.

Furthermore, the more votes GD receives, the faster and more effectively Georgia’s relations with the US and the EU will be reset, and the more firmly Georgia’s national interests will be protected in the international arena.

Therefore, we need every single person to cast their ballot to ensure that we don’t even allow a theoretical risk of losing the country and that Georgia strengthens its position in international politics as much as possible.

Each vote for the GD means a stronger guarantee of peace, stability, and development for Georgia. We call on all our fellow citizens who value peace in Georgia, the country’s stability and traditional values, to come out en masse on October 26 and create a solid foundation for protecting Georgia’s national identity and ensuring our country’s bright future.

For those who hold the country dear, put everything aside and come out to vote. Set aside all narrow political issues because these elections are not about politics, but about saving the country. Everything is in our hands, Georgia’s fate is in our hands, and we must do everything to save the country and leave a free, independent, united, and strong Georgia for future generations to govern”, - reads the statement.