29 September 2024,   07:30
Regulations for the submission of party lists by parties participating in elections

The election administration provides explanations regarding the rules for the submission of party lists by participating parties and any related updates.

According to election legislation, each party running in elections shall have the right to submit one party list. The number of candidates for parliament membership in the party list should not be less than 30 and more than 200. Electoral subject shall submit party list to the Central Election Commission [CEC] Chair not later than 30-days [26 September] before the Election Day.

√ It is prohibited to include the same individual on different party lists.

As part of an update in submission process, parties participating in the elections must attach an application regarding party affiliation, filled out and signed by each candidate for membership in the Parliament. The procedure for submitting information regarding a candidate’ party affiliation was established by the CEC through Decree No. 34/2024, even before the election period. This allows parties to consider and make timely, informed decisions regarding their party lists.

In the application regarding party affiliation, the candidate must include their personal details (name, surname, and Georgian citizen ID number) and the date of the application. It must also be indicated whether the candidate is a member of the party submitting the party list, a non-affiliated individual, or if they have left the party within the last six months prior to submitting the statement.

If the candidate is a member of another party registered under the Organic Law of Georgia “On Political Unions of Citizens”, the name of that party must be indicated in the application.

A candidate for membership in the Parliament of Georgia will not be included in the electoral registry, and the registration of an already registered candidate will be canceled by ordinance of the CEC Chair if it is determined that the candidate is a member of another party registered under the Organic Law of Georgia “On Political Unions of Citizens”, or if the requirements outlined in the aforementioned ordinance are violated.

Additionally, a registration card filled out and signed by each candidate for MP of Georgia, certificate on the deprivation of the right, a drug test certificate, a photocopy of the identity card of a citizen of Georgia or of the passport of a citizen of Georgia, and a photo shall be attached to the party list. A drug test certificate is not classified and shall be published on the website of CEC.

√ Certificate on the deprivation of the right is being issued by Legal entity under public law - Service Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

A party list shall specify the following information for each candidate:

first name and surname;
date of birth (day/month/year);
address (according to the identity card of a citizen of Georgia or the Agency database);
personal number of a citizen of Georgia;
place of work (specify ‘unemployed’ if unemployed);
position (occupation).

A registration form shall specify the following information for each candidate:

first and surname;
date of birth (day/month/year);
address (according to the identity card of a citizen of Georgia or the Agency database);
personal number of a citizen of Georgia;
place of work (specify ‘unemployed’ if unemployed;
position (occupation);
the fact of living in Georgia for not less than 10 years;
consent to run in elections under the given party list;
the fact that a candidate was an MP of Georgia after the previous election;
signature and date of signature.