29 September 2024,   07:32
We must remember that the 2024 parliamentary elections decide not only the fate of political parties, but the fate of the country - Kaladze

The Secretary General of Georgian Dream addressed the population of Georgia and the supporters of the party at the meeting held in Mtskheta.

As Kakha Kaladze said, it is no coincidence that the ruling team starts its pre-election meetings from Mtskheta.

“The Georgian Christian culture is associated with this holy place. Our biggest shrines are built in Mtskheta-Mtianeti. Yes, Christian culture and Georgian consciousness are inseparable, because it was Christianity that became the foundation that united the Georgian nation and laid the foundation for the creation of a unified, powerful Georgian state. That is why, for Georgians, the struggle for the independence of the homeland is equated with the defense of Orthodoxy.

This struggle continues today. We see the scale of the attack on the Georgian Church, on our traditions, on all the values that are the foundation of the Georgian state.

Fascism disguised as pseudo-liberalism tries to destroy the main values - faith, family, homeland.

Dear friends, it is no coincidence that we start the pre-election meetings of Georgian Dream from Mtskheta. It is from here that we give the population of Georgia the main promise - with a strong Orthodox Church, a strong family institution, protection of Georgian culture and our traditions, we will continue the path to the future with peaceful development in order to integrate and unite our country and take a worthy place in the united European family.

Today our country is facing difficult challenges, however, all difficulties can be overcome where there is community unity and support….

We saw how they try to prove black over white, how they blatantly tell us that we do not have the right to transparency, how they establish fascism in the name of democracy, how they want to impose their interests on us, which are incompatible with the interests of our country.

However, there is no greater power than our unity. An example of this is the will of our population united around Bidzina Ivanishvili in 2012, which removed the mask from [Mikheil] Saakashvili’s regime, and refused from violence, lies, trampling on human rights.

With such unity, such support, we will overcome all obstacles. You, the people of Georgia, are the biggest force, and no one can take away your right to choose - to live in a peaceful environment, to protect your own beliefs and traditions, and to become a member of the European family.

Friends, without your support it is impossible to talk about any success.
We must remember that the 2024 parliamentary elections decide not the fate of political parties, but the fate of the country.

Everything is in your hands!

I believe that Georgia’s choice will be to move towards Europe with peace, dignity and prosperity! This is a precursor to the development, consolidation and strengthening of our country! This is a guarantee of a happy future for our children! This is our debt to the memory of our ancestors! Victory to Georgia!”, - said Kakha Kaladze.