18 September 2024,   01:34
Government of Georgian Dream is the first Government in the recent history of Georgia, during which the country didn’t have a war – Kobakhidze

The Government of Georgian Dream is the first Government in the recent history of Georgia, during which the country did not have a war. Irakli Kobakhidze, the Prime Minister of Georgia, said this in his speech at the party’s event in Mtskheta.

“As a result of the democratic transition of 2012, the systematic practice of killing, torturing and inhumane treatment of people was prevented in Georgia, business was freed, media pluralism was established;

Free and fair elections are being held, as a result of which the country is governed not by foreign agents, but by the Government democratically elected by the Georgian people;

The continuous 12-year peace brought unprecedented economic progress to Georgia. Only in the last 3 years, the Georgian economy has doubled in USD terms, the high economic growth continues even now;

The state budget tripled;

An unprecedented support program for the population living in mountainous regions was launched;

A universal healthcare program was launched and the social protection package of the population was improved several times;

Life expectancy increased from 72 to 75 years;

The rate of construction of highways, schools, gardens, and other infrastructural facilities has increased several times;

Agricultural programs are financed annually with hundreds of millions of GEL, which brought unprecedented development to the agricultural sector;

The turnover of the business sector increased 5 times, wages in the business sector increased 3 times, the turnover of industry increased 3 times;

Unemployment was halved. Up to 700 000 of our fellow citizens got rid of poverty. Georgia has become a candidate country for EU membership”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.