18 September 2024,   01:30
Education, culture, sports, healthcare, economy, foreign policy, very ambitious plans in all directions will be part of our election program - Irakli Kobakhidze

Our main task is to maintain the high rate of economic growth, which has already allowed us to improve the social conditions in the country. Such a statement made today the Head of the election headquarters of Georgian Dream, Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze.

“We have a lot of very large-scale, important promises that we talk about, including at Government meetings.

We have ambitious plans in the direction of economic growth. Our main task is to maintain the high rate of economic growth, which has already allowed us to improve social conditions in the country. The rate of poverty decreased to 435,000 people, while during the [United] National Movement it was 1.1 million people. About 700,000 people got out of poverty precisely thanks to the rapid economic growth that our country has, although this is not enough, our ambitious task is to eradicate poverty to the end, and of course, for this we need to maintain a high rate of economic growth.

There are ambitious projects for this, including ambitious infrastructure projects. The historical project of Rikoti, the project of the Tbilisi-Batumi highway will be brought to the end, and the construction of the highway will continue in the direction of the borders, it concerns the border of Armenia, the border of Azerbaijan.

Work is actively underway to build the port of Anaklia. We also have an ambitious plan related to the construction of Tbilisi International Airport.

Also, in the field of education, an extremely ambitious plan will be presented from our side, which will especially concern university education.

There are specific important projects, such as the stadium project, etc. In all directions, be it education, culture, sports, healthcare, social security, economy, foreign policy, or any other, we will present very ambitious plans, which will be part of our election program”, - said the Head of the Government.