29 September 2024,   07:28
Unemployment is at a historical minimum, Georgia stands out not only for its economic growth in the region but also among European countries as a whole - Kobakhidze

Georgia stands out not only for its economic growth in the region but also among European countries as a whole, and it ranks first in economic growth indicators. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.

As the Head of Government of Georgia noted, a few days ago the National Statistics Office (GeoStat) published employment and, accordingly, unemployment data, revealing that unemployment is at a historic low.

“According to the second quarter data, unemployment is at a historic low, recorded at 13.7%, compared to 16.7% in the same period last year. This means that the unemployment rate has decreased by 3%, which is a significant priority for us. The number of employed persons increased by 19 100, while the number of self-employed persons grew by 41 300. Over the 2023, 60 000 new jobs were created, which is a result of high economic growth. Georgia stands out for its economic growth not only in the region but also among European countries as a whole, and it is number one in terms of economic growth indicators. Over the past three years, we have had an average economic growth rate of 9.7%, and we are maintaining a 9% rate this year, and we believe that by the end of 2024, we will have very good results in this regard. Economic growth is the main factor that allows for the reduction of unemployment and the increase of employment. More employment means more taxes paid into the State Budget, which gives the Government the ability to carry out more projects and expand existing programs. This will remain our main priority in the future”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.