29 September 2024,   07:39
The CEC will hold informational meetings with representatives from political parties and observer organizations

The Election Administration will conduct informational meetings with potential representatives of political parties and observer organizations for the October 26 Parliamentary Elections.

Meetings will be held at various locations across the country, where participants will receive information on electronic technologies, the Election Administration’s experience, pilot elections, and the outcomes of the information campaign.

Additionally, there will be demonstrations of electronic technologies, with CEC representatives providing updates on the functionalities of electronic devices and their related election procedures. Participants will also engage in mock elections using these electronic devices.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions on any topic of interest and receive comprehensive responses.

Georgian Election Administration has offered 30 political parties assigned sequence numbers for the upcoming parliamentary elections to participate in these meetings. Additionally, the CEC has invited local observer organizations that signed the Code of Conduct for the 2021 Municipal Elections.

Please note that 9 out of the 30 political parties and 6 out of the 21 local observer organizations have expressed a willingness to participate in the informational meetings.

The meetings are scheduled to take place during the first week of September.