25 September 2024,   17:17
I consider Melia, Japaridze and Khoshtaria new people in Georgian politics - Nika Gvaramia

The leader of the Ahali party has announced that he will not be included on the party’s electoral list but will continue to serve as both the party and coalition leader.

“This decision stems from a desire to open the path to the Parliament for young people. I entered politics after being released from political imprisonment and stepping away from television, subsequently founding the Ahali party. Today, our coalition comprises individuals I trust deeply, not only in terms of our shared values but also in their commitment to the country’s interests.

I will lead the election campaign and maintain my roles as party and coalition leader, but I am dedicated to enabling new voices and political actors in parliament,” he said, clarifying that the coalition for change aims for “transformation rather than mere replacements.

Our goal is to eliminate [Bidzina] Ivanishvili’s influence and his alignment with Russian interests. We must reform the political landscape and empower leaders who are resistant to propaganda and willing to embrace a new direction. I remain committed to supporting everyone with my experience while also holding them accountable for their decisions”, - said Nika Gvaramia.