26 September 2024,   00:27
CEC and local observer organizations signed Code of Conduct (Ethics)

The Election Administration (EA) of Georgia and local observer organizations signed Code of Conduct (Ethics) for 26 October parliamentary elections.

Giorgi Kalandarishvili, Chair of the Central Election Commission (CEC) opened the meeting and discussed the importance of this document. As Giorgi Kalandarishvili mentioned, it is crucial for the parties to reach an agreement on the provisions outlined in the Code of Conduct for the parliamentary elections on October 26, 2024. This agreement is essential given the responsibility of Election Administration representatives and local observer organizations to adhere to professional and ethical standards. According to Chair, the document is grounded in best international practices and supports the promotion of fair and transparent elections.

By signing the Code of Conduct (Ethics), the parties affirm their unwavering commitment to prioritize public interests over political agendas, uphold universally recognized human rights, and conscientiously fulfill the rights and obligations outlined in Georgian law. They also pledge to act with professionalism and expertise, while demonstrating and upholding high ethical standards through their own conduct.

Representatives of local observer organizations registered with the CEC to monitor the October 26 elections have the opportunity to sign the Code of Conduct (Ethics). However, the signing process remains open, and anyone will be able to join after completing the necessary registration procedure.