01 October 2024,   03:33
"We demand competent and lawful management ," - Dodo Shonava

The action plan prepared by Vasil Maglapheridze is not acceptable for one part of employees of the public broadcaster. Employees are working in the frames of a group of trust set up yesterday on other alternative action plan.

One of the managers of this group Dodo Shonava explained that changes are necessary in the public broadcaster, but not in such a radical manner as Vasil Maghlaperidze presented.

"We are for the reform of the public broadcaster. No one should think that we are against the changes, we have been demanding changes for years. We insist on competent and legal management both of human resources as well as the funds, "- said Dodo Shonava.

According to her, they have begun working on the document, which will be presented to the public and the board of trustees. The document will set out the principles according to which "modernization of the public broadcaster should be gradual ."