01 October 2024,   03:46
" If not Rustavi2 my husband would be in hands of Russia," - Tatiana Tsertsvadze


" If not Rustavi2 my husband would be in hands of Russia," - Tatiana Tsertsvadze


Representatives of different political parties have appealed to the demonstrators.



A Coordination Council , consisting of eight political unions , celebrities and students hold a rally in Rustavi2"s support in front of the Supreme Court . Representatives of different political parties have addressed demonstrators.

Tatiana Tsertsvadze, Gia Tsertsvadze"s wife has also addressed to demonstrators.


" If not Rustavi2, my husband would be in hands of Russia. I would like to thank Rustavi2. I don"t know why these people want to close our television. i believe that people will come out,"- said Tatiana Tsertsvadze.