01 October 2024,   03:36
"We all have avoided huge disaster avoided" - Prime Minister plans to visit Patriarch in Berlin

"We all have avoided huge disaster avoided" - Prime Minister plans to visit Patriarch in Berlin

"First of all, I want to tell you that we, all have avoided the largest disaster ," - Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvilimade a statement in connection with the arrest of Giorgi Mamaladze.

He noted that the law enforcement agencies prevented a "brutal attack against the Church" and the crime against the state.

The Prime Minister has released a statement in the social network .

"First of all, I want to tell you that we, all of us, have avoided the huge disaster. We prevented the crime against our country - a fatal attack against the Church. I would like to thank the law enforcement agencies that worked efficiently, without unnecessary noise, and prevented a big trouble.

From the very beginning, as soon as the police provide me with information, I took this case under personal control of course.

Based on the extraordinary circumstances, I sent my bodyguards to Berlin to step up security there.

It is very important the investigation to be conducted professionally.

Importantly, the doctors said that the operation went well and the Patriarch feels good. With all my heart I wish him to recover soon and for the benefit of our people and country. I am going to arrive in Germany, where I have to attended the Munich Security Conference, and visit His Holiness there,"- says the statement.

Kvirikashvili is planning to visit the Patriarch in Berlin.