01 October 2024,   03:29
Shorena said that I am a tool used to hit the Patriarch and Patriarchate - Nana Kikabidze

The position of the Patriarch and the Orthodox Patriarchate on the so-called cyanide case may be known today. Patriarchate had visiting guests till late last night.

Patriarch also met with human rights activist Nana Kikabidze. She claims that the Patriarch has complete information on the case. Kakabadze said that she spoke with the Patriarch`s Secretary.

As she said, according to Shorena Tetruashvili`s opinion, in this case she was used, and the main purpose was the attack on the Patriarch and Patriarchate.

"I met Shorena. She said: I am a tool used to hit the Patriarch and Patriarchate, "- said Nana Kakabadze.