30 December 2024,   22:02
Rustavi 2" lawyers consider the decision made by the Constitutional Court unsubstantiated

Rustavi 2"s lawyers consider the decision of the Constitutional Court unsubstantiated. According to them, the court denied to satisfy the claim of Rustavi 2 with unsubstantiated arguments.

"The decision is undocumented.The court refused to satisfy a claim with ungrounded arguments. Unlike the decision, the different opinion of the four judges is very interesting and reasonable, "Dimitri Sadzaglishvili said.
A lawyer of Rustavi 2 claims that that the decision of the Constitutional Court on the case of immoral deals was important for the broadcasting company before the Supreme Court"s decision.

"The government has achieved its goal and the Constitutional Court has not announced the decision before the General Court"s verdict and accordingly, it is not essential for Rustavi 2"s interests," Dimitri Sadzaglishvili said.