27 July 2024,   03:57
"I heard a very feeble and funny argument from the Public Broadcaster"s Lawyer today," Eka Mishveladze

A Court of Appeals will announce the decision on Eka Mishveladze"s dismissal from Georgian Public Broadcaster on May 3. The parties discussed the evidence of the case at today"s session.

The Public Broadcaster appeals the decision, according to which Eka Mishveladze"s complaint was partly satisfied.

Eka Mishveladze demands compensation for moral damages caused by the discrimination.

"I heard a very feeble and funny argument from the Public Broadcaster"s lawyer today. It appears that when Basa Janikashvili made this amazing statement that it is awkward when a politician"s wife is a host of the political talk-show, he was attending a meeting of the media coalition accidentally, not as the adviser of GPB"s Director-General,"- says Eka Mishveladze.

Nona Kurdovanidze, the Deputy Chairman of the Georgian Young Lawyers" Association states that Eka Mishveladze"s dismissal was discriminatory.