29 September 2024,   09:25
Threatening to dismiss from jjob and deprivation of identity cards - "ISFED" speaks of new wave of pressure in pre-election period

A new wave of threats and oppression in the pre-election period- NGOs talk about the danger of legitimacy of the second round of presidential elections.

According to ISFED, new forms of pressure between the first and second rounds of the presidential election have been revealed. According to them, the not only on the public but on the private sector as well.

The organization does not rule out that the visit of the Minister of Internal Affairs in several municipalities has also affected the situation. As well as the meetings with governors because the information about pressure was spread after that.

"It is the pressure both on public employees with a threat of dismissa and the private individuals and private sector employees.

Cases of such pressure and threats practically prevent free and fair environment of elections, "- said Benidze.