27 July 2024,   04:19
"Political terror has started" - Girgol Vashadze

The protest rally in front of the Gurjaani District Court is over. United Opposition leaders and their supporters have already left Gurjaani. Earlier, the members of the United Opposition evaluated the decision of the judge.

Opposition leaders say they will use all measures to prevent David Kirkitadze from being detained.

"Be sure that political terror has begun in Georgia and if you keep silence, my friends, they will come after you. because people, who support opposition and think, unlike Partskhaladze is a threat for Ivanishvili"s government,"- Grigol Vashadze said.
Members of the United Opposition say that the police violated the law in Velistsikhe, against protesters.
"the same happens in Belarus, the same happens in Russia. They arrest leaders of the opposition when they try to express their protest. We will have a very hard fight in the parliament, in the municipality, in the street until we defeat them, "Nika Melia said.

Opposition leaders say they are not going to surrender and the fight will continue.