27 July 2024,   04:25
Tamar Zhvania"s candidacy is acceptable for the ruling team

Salome Zourabichvili should decide after the negotiations with the civil sector and nominate three candidates for the CEC Chairmanship. It is already known that Tamar Zhvania"s candidacy is acceptable for the ruling team.
Presumably, Tamar Zhvania will retain the position of the election administration chair for a new term.
"This is the president"s competence, if I am not mistaken, Tamar Zhvania was nominated by NGOs the previous time. Tamar Zhvania is a person who has received special awards from the international organizations with high reputation for reforms implemented in the CEC. Her work is mentioned in all observers" conclusions during these years as well organized, "- said Tamar Chugoshvili.
Chairman of the Legal Issues Committee of Parliament speaks about the successful work of Tamar Zhvania. "I think Tamar Zhvania is one of the best chairs whom I remember on this position," says Beselia.
According to her, international observers appreciate high standards of Tamar Zhvania ."