19 April 2024,   18:07
Extremely tense situation in Gugutiantkari - locals leave the territory

Step-by-step captured Georgian village and the new iron constructions in Gugutiantkari - The illegal occupation has moved to the middle of the village. The iron poles are being transported by the Russian military by trucks. The occupants are currently installing iron poles in one of the locals" plots.

Residents are forced to leave their homes and the area. People ask for help. Representatives of international observation missions have arrived in Gugutiantkari. They are watching the creeping occupation of the village.

Russian occupants began the process of modernization in Gugutiantkari on August 7, but stopped work for several days and resumed this morning.
There is also a high risk that the irrigation canal that supplies several villages will be beyond the occupation line.
The situation on the ground is quite tense.