24 October 2024,   00:12
Femicide - “We see women being killed precisely because they are women”

Another victim

The officers of Samtredia police division as a result of operative-investigative activities detained G.A. (date of birth - 1992) for premeditated murder of his wife.

According to the investigation, the detainee inflicted injury with a cold steel to his wife – Salome Bokhua (date of birth - 1994) in the hall of the Public Registry Samtredia branch, before initiating divorce procedures.

Due to the received traumas, 26 years old woman died at the place of crime.

Law enforcers detained G.A. immediately at the hall of Public Registry Samtredia branch. The weapon of murder was seized by police as evidence.

This crime envisages from 13 to 15 years of imprisonment.

Nino Lomjaria - As of 2020 three women were killed through domestic violence

“According to our data, three women were killed through domestic violence and there were three cases of attempted murder in 2020. We need additional measures to prevent violence against women. The fragmented efforts made by the government to prevent violence against women are not enough. There is still a lot to be done in terms of education, changing societal stereotypes, supporting and empowering victims, and reporting femicide through  gender-sensitive approaches”, - wrote the Public Defender of Georgia Nino Lomjaria on her Facebook page.

NGOs – We need to tighten the law on femicide

“The real problem is still with the implementation of the law. We do not have prevention, we cannot prevent more severe family crimes. There is no social worker’s institute, which must be directly involved in prevention. Prevention is not well developed for the police either. Education also has nothing to do with it”, - said Baia Pataraia, the executive director of the union “Saphari”.

“This is not an ordinary murder because we see women being killed precisely because they are women. The worst thing of all is that this murder is often done in public places. As an indicative punishment. That’s why it’s so important – women’s organizations have been talking about it for a long time – to criminalize femicide, set separate article. Accordingly, we will also have separate statistics on femicide”, - said Elene Rusetskaya, founder and director of the Women"s Information Center.

Louisa Vinton - The issue of femicide needs a qualitative approach.

 “I think that the issue of femicide needs a qualitative approach, because sending criminals to prison is not the way out with regard to this issue. Of course, we must fight for equal rights between women and men from the beginning. This excitement, anger that can be caused by jealousy must be eradicated by introduction of the principle of equality”, - thinks Louisa Vinton, the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme in Georgia