24 October 2024,   00:12
The President of NATO PA supports Georgia, but expresses concern over current events

The President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) has issued a statement on recent events in Georgia. According to Attila Mesterházy, he supports Georgia, but expresses concern over current events.

“I recall that NATO is founded upon the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law. Respect for these principles, including the holding of free and fair elections and an impartial and independent judiciary, form an integral part of the accession process.

The upcoming parliamentary elections are an opportunity for Georgia to demonstrate its commitment to these values. I regret that the pledge to move to fully proportional parliamentary elections in 2020 was rescinded last November. This was a step backwards for Georgia’s democracy.

The recent ruling by the Supreme Court of Georgia in the case of opposition leader Gigi Ugulava raises further questions and concerns. I fear the circumstances surrounding the ruling further heighten political polarisation and tensions and put the important political dialogue on electoral reform at risk.

I therefore encourage Georgia’s authorities to create the conditions for a resumption of dialogue between majority and opposition, for restoring the Georgian people’s trust, and for guaranteeing that the 2020 parliamentary elections can be held in accordance with international standards”, - reads the statement of Attila Mesterházy.