19 April 2024,   17:42
We welcome the efforts of our US partners to bring to justice those responsible for the reckless cyber attacks - the MFA of Georgia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia commented on charging the 6 Russian military officers by the US Justice Department for cyber attackers hacked into the software using destructive malware to black out thousands of computers in several countries including Georgia.

“Today, the US Justice Department indicted 6 GRU military unit # 74455 actors for their roles in several cyber incidents, including those carried out against Georgia. We welcome the efforts of our US partners to bring to justice those responsible for the reckless cyber attacks.

Government of Georgia is grateful for the contributions by the United States and our friends and allies to strengthen Georgia’s cyber defense capabilities and resilience. International community’s united stance is vital in condemning and confronting the threats posed by Russia to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, its stability, institutions and democratic development”, - reads the statement of the Georgian Foreign Ministry.