29 September 2024,   04:14
When there is an attack on the Georgian state and people, it will have neither my personal support nor the support of the Georgian Dream - Papuashvili

No matter what the text of the resolution is, no matter what is written inside, when there is an attack on the Georgian state and the Georgian people, it will have neither my personal support nor the support of the Georgian Dream. Such a statement made the Speaker of the Parliament, while speaking of why the ruling team did not take part in the vote held at the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, where the resolution “Further escalation in Russia’s aggression against Ukraine” was passed.

“I am really going to the Crimean platform at the invitation of my counterpart Ruslan Stefanchuk, with whom I have intensive communication. You know that even now our delegation was at the Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly in Rwanda, where we met the First Vice-Speaker of the Ukrainian Rada and had a very interesting conversation, including about how we all understand each other, and unfortunately, how forceful attempts are made to create misunderstandings.

As for the resolution, I will tell you my personal position. The resolution, which states that the person who covered up the murderers of Sandro Girgvliani, the person who ordered the beating of an MP, is Putin’s prisoner, is a direct attack on the Georgian state.

Such a resolution will not have my support. It should be clear to everyone, no matter what the text of the resolution is, no matter what is written inside, when there is an attack on the Georgian state and people, it will have neither my support personally, nor the support of the Georgian Dream. We saw how you supported this resolution in 2008”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.