01 July 2024,   12:49
European Union leaders reach agreement on measures to deal with energy crisis - Charles Michel

The leaders of the 27 EU member states have agreed on measures to deal with the energy crisis, European Council President.

“The European Council has reached an agreement on energy. There is the strong determination, shared unanimously, as the written conclusions attest, to act together, as Europeans, to achieve three goals: bring prices down, guarantee the safety of supply and continue to work to reduce demand”, - said Charles Michel.

The leaders of the 27 EU member states haven’t approved a package of measures to deal with the energy crisis that was proposed by the European Commission, according to a European Council statement released on Friday.

“The European Council calls on the Council and the Commission to urgently submit concrete decisions on the following additional measures, as well as on the Commission proposals, having assessed their impact notably on existing [energy supply] contracts, including the non-affectation of long-term contracts, and taking into account the different energy mixes and national circumstances”, - reads the statement.

“We do now have a very good and solid roadmap to keep on working on the topic of energy prices. The leaders have given the strategic guidance we wanted on the proposal we have put on the table”, - said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.