29 September 2024,   04:14
The process of judicial reform needs to be a broad and inclusive one that includes civil society, that includes the opposition and stakeholders – Kelly Degnan

The process of judicial reform needs to be a broad and inclusive one that includes civil society, that includes the opposition and stakeholders. Such a statement made today the US Ambassador to Georgia, while commenting the election of Levan Murusidze and Dimitri Gvirtishvili as non-judge members of the High Council of Justice.

“The judicial reform is one of the 12 priorities. It is not only in the list of 12 recommendations, it’s in the Association Agreement Georgia has with the European Union. This is clearly a very important area for any kind of democracy. It’s very important to have an independent, truly impartial judiciary to protect your democracy. And what has been made clear is that the process of judicial reform needs to be a broad and inclusive one that includes civil society, that includes the opposition and stakeholders who have not just an interest in it, but have very good ideas about how to improve Georgia’s judiciary.

Everywhere I have been on my trips around Georgia, I’ve had the privilege of meeting with judges and regional courts and hearing about the work that they"re doing, the very important work that they’re doing, and I can say that there are many very dedicated professionals who are working very hard to administer the law here in Georgia according to the evidence that is presented and without any kind of interference”, - said Kelly Degnan.