08 July 2024,   21:26
Official luncheon held in the honor of Prime Minister of Georgia and his delegation in Budapest

Official Luncheon was held in the honor of Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia and his delegation by Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary in Budapest.

The Luncheon was attended by representatives of the businesses and arts of both countries interested in the advancement of future bilateral relations between Hungary and Georgia.

“First of all, I wish to express my gratitude to our friend, Mr. Victor Orban. We have a lot in common between Georgian and Hungarian people, however let me single out the main feature – our Christian values, which are the very core of our foundation for our nations and states. These very Christian values have brought us to this day!”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.

“It is our great honor to host you! It is easy to see common features, as our histories follow the same logic. Herewith, I wish to note one personal matter. It is rare to find a right fighter in politics. If we look around, and I may be trusted for my 30 years in politics, if a person gets defeated in politics, he never comes back, as a rule. This observation has very rare exceptions, as only a few return to politics. Our guest today is a great example of this. He is a great returner! The Prime Minister of Georgia has returned to this position and it makes him a great fighter. That is why he is a great example to us!”, - added Victor Orban.