12 May 2024,   15:27
Entering into the discussion of each article of this law means that we should discuss whether to kill Georgia’s European perspective with a bullet - Ana Natsvlishvili

Entering into the discussion of each article of this law means that we should discuss whether to kill Georgia’s European perspective with a bullet, by gas poisoning or by stabbing. Such a statement made one of the leaders of the Lelo party, Ana Natsvlishvili, while talking about the Draft Law on Agents of Foreign Influence.

“Georgian Dream is backing you. It is very symbolic that Anri Okhanashvili is backing you, including through procedural injustices.

Do you realize that with this law, you are killing the idea and perspective of Georgia joining Europe and the European Union?

Entering into the discussion of each article of this law means that we should discuss whether to kill Georgia’s European perspective with a bullet, by gas poisoning or by stabbing. No one will do this here. Not to the Russian law!”, - said Ana Natsvlishvili.