19 September 2024,   02:52
Negative statements made by different political groups or individuals on the safety at the Rikoti Pass aim to cause tension and anxiety in society - Giorgi Tsereteli

All sections of Rikoti Pass would be safe and all works were being carried out according to the plan. Such a statement made today Giorgi Tsereteli, the Chairman of the Roads Department of Georgia.

He responded to “negative” statements of opposition, who alleged that the rehabilitation on the Pass was underway with violations, and underlined that with these statements, the political groups “have been trying to instil fear in the public and discredit the mentioned project”.

“Unfortunately, all the footage broadcasted in the media is old. The construction and supervision companies of the Rikoti Pass project were selected through an international tender under the strict control of donors - the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Investment Bank.

The inspection of the construction project was carried out by international donor organisations and the post audit conclusion was positive. British, Australian, Italian experienced specialists participated in this process… The project was supervised by French, Turkish and Korean supervisory companies.

Rehabilitation works are underway on 77 sections of the Rikoti Pass. Several geotechnical, geophysical and seismic studies had been conducted, based on which the design of the Pass was made”, - said Giorgi Tsereteli.

He also denied the information that contractor Chinese companies are sanctioned or any corruptive deal was made during the road construction.

The 52-kilometre-long road construction at the Rikoti Pass has been going since 2019. The project also includes the construction of 97 bridges and 51 tunnels.