19 September 2024,   02:47
The amendments to the Law on Labour Migration have been made

The novelties are aimed at maximum protection of the rights of Georgian citizens seeking employment abroad, as well as systemic registration and protection of the rights of foreign citizens living and employed in Georgia.

According to the new legislation, certification requirement becomes mandatory for intermediary companies, assisting Georgian citizens in employment abroad. Besides, foreign citizens employed in Georgia will be registered in a special e-system. In addition, registration in the same system will become mandatory for holding work residence and emigration visas in the country. With the purpose of maximum effectiveness of the novelties, the new law envisages monitoring and execution mechanisms, which will be implemented by Labour Inspection Service.

The representatives of the Ministry of Health presented the novelties introduced to the Law directly to the intermediary companies working in the direction of employment of Georgian citizens abroad. As stated by Deputy Minister of Health, Tamila Barkalaia during her speech at the event, the State will continue active cooperation with the representatives of the sector for transparency of processes and maximum positive impact of the changes both on employees and activities of the intermediary companies.

The meeting continued in question-answer format. The meeting was also attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Health, Labour Inspection Service, EU, UN International Organization for Migration.

The amendments to the Law of Georgia on Labour Migration will enter into force from September 1, 2023.