20 September 2024,   02:01
The chance is very big for Georgia, which is developing in the right direction - Helmut Scholz

Member of the European Parliament, Helmut Scholz, talked about a “very big chances” of European Union integration for Georgia, noting the country was developing “in the right direction” and pointing to “mutual obligations” over the bloc’s potential enlargement.

He MEP underlined both domestic authorities whose countries were aspiring for the bloc’s membership and the bloc itself should get prepared for the process.

“Governments of aspirant countries should inform their citizens what the bloc’s membership meant and that all laws adopted by the EU over the past 15 years would concern them when invited for membership.

The bloc would have to carry out organisational changes for the expansion in line with the new reality, the promised enlargement must not be delayed.

This expansion should take place with a deep, democratic structure, in accordance with the Copenhagen criteria and the implementation of all criteria - state legislation, rule of law, human rights, labour rights”, - said Helmut Scholz.