20 September 2024,   02:06
We are waiting with great optimism for the arrival of the new US Ambassador, Robin Dunnigan - Irakli Garibashvili

The Prime Minister of Georgia said today his Government was anticipating the arrival of Robin Dunnigan, the new Ambassador of the US, with “great optimism”.

“I hope, the Government would form very good relations, and have the most open and sincere relations, from the very first days. 

I had a very interesting meeting with Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week. 

We had discussions on almost all issues. Recently, such high-level talks had unfortunately not been held, [even though] many high-ranking guests came to us from America, but I had a particularly important conversation with Mr. Sullivan, and we touched on practically all issues related to the relations between the two countries, strategic partnership and cooperation.

Sometimes there can be some differences of opinion between countries, this is a natural process - we have our interests, America has its goals and interests. There are different opinions and this is a normal process.

Our Government did not have any hidden agenda in relation to any issue, I expect a very interesting cooperation with the new diplomat”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.