19 September 2024,   05:19
Meetings with European Commissioners - Minister of Foreign Affairs is on his working visit to Strasbourg

Within the framework of his visit to Strasbourg met the Vice President of the European Commission, the European Commissioner for Demography and Democracy.

At the meeting, discussions focused on Georgia’s implementation of the 12 recommendations set by the European Commission. Ilia Darchiashvili informed Dubravka Šuica about the steps taken by Georgia in this regard. He expressed the hope that another historic decision will be made by European partners and Georgia will be granted a candidate status.

The sides focused on the need to carry out reforms and to strengthen the democratic institutions. The minister once again confirmed Georgia’s readiness to strengthen future cooperation.

Besides, Ilia Darchiashvili held a meeting with the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders. The sides discussed Georgia’s progress on implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission.

Discussions focused on the reforms carried out by the country at the legislative and institutional level. The sides expressed the hope that Georgia will be granted a candidate status.

Special emphasis was placed on the Judicial Reform Strategy and Action Plan. It was noted that all procedures are carried out with the involvement of relevant international institutions and in consultation with them. The sides confirmed their readiness to strengthen future cooperation.