19 September 2024,   05:11
Consideration of President’s impeachment appeal in the Constitutional Court - Kobakhidze and Chugoshvili verbally confronted each other

In the Constitutional Court, where the impeachment submission of the President is being considered, a verbal confrontation took place between the Chairman of Georgian Dream and the representative of the President.

The confrontation started after Tamar Chugoshvili stopped Irakli Kobakhidze’s answering the questions, turned to the court and said that Kobakhidze was lecturing, repeating the same thing and speaking through TV messages.

“The court listens to issues that are absolutely missing the questions… I want to find out whether we will be given the opportunity to read lectures for 3 hours, to repeat the same thing, we are not demagogic, but they give lecture, voice TV messages related no matter whether they are related to the case or not”, - said Tamar Chugoshvili.

“Name one sentence that was a TV message or lecture. Moreover, you are not a politician either. If you were a politician, you would be forgiven, but you are neither a politician nor anything. You were the secretary of the Constitutional Commission and you did not attend a single working meeting. It’s a shame. All this is a matter of dignity”, - commented Irakli Kobakhidze.