19 September 2024,   05:05
Security Police Inspector killed his fellow villager, friend

Special Investigation Service arrested an inspector of the Personal Security Division of the Security Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kvareli on the fact of intentional killing.

The conducted investigation established that on the night of October 4, in Kvareli, Inspector T.O. was seated at a table with acquaintances, where due to a mutual disagreement a dispute was raised among those present. The security police inspector discharged multiple shots, resulting in the immediate death of G.G. due to his injuries, while another individual was wounded.

Special Investigation Service promptly carried out investigative and procedural measures on the case, including the seizure of the firearms used in the crime.

The Service is intensively conducting all necessary investigative and procedural actions to ensure an effective investigation.

The inspector of the Security Police Department arrested for the intentional killing will be charged within 48 hours. The crime shall be punished by imprisonment for up to 15 years.