19 September 2024,   04:18
Court orders pre-trial detention for the mother and uncle of 14-year-old murdered girl

Rustavi City Court ordered pre-trial detention for the mother and uncle of a 14-year-old murdered girl.

According to the investigation, in the summer of 2023, in order to force a minor to marry him, the abductor illegally deprived the minor of her freedom and brought her to the village of Lambalo, where the victim’s right to free movement was limited. Despite this, the minor managed to escape, contact her mother and report her abduction, which also became known to the uncle of the abducted minor.

Although the minor"s mother and uncle learned about the serious crime committed against the 14-year-old girl, they believed that the minor did not have the right to express free will and make a choice, they did not report the crime to the law enforcement authorities and forced the child to live with the abductor.