19 September 2024,   05:08
Terrorist activities in the country were reduced to a minimum - Grigol Liluashvili

Attempts were made to interfere in the social and political processes of our country by using the instruments of the so-called hybrid war, said the Head of the State Security Service, Grigol Liluashvili, while presenting a report to the Parliament.

“Dangers from international terrorism and violent extremism were still relevant. Despite the difficult situation in the world in terms of terrorism, as a result of the efforts made by the State Security Service, terrorist activities in the country were reduced to a minimum.

In the environment of geopolitical crisis and large-scale hostilities, the State Security Service ensured effective management of security risks coming from special services of foreign countries and individual destructive forces.

A safe environment was maintained in the country, and with close coordination with the relevant agencies, smooth operation of state systems and safe development was ensured.

In the process of combating security challenges, the Service was focused on deepening cooperation with international partners and strengthening security and stability of the country.

In carrying out its activities, the Service strictly followed the main guiding principles defined by law, including the rule of law, protection of human rights and freedoms, proportionality, non-discrimination and political neutrality.

For the full functioning of the Service units, the appropriate material and technical infrastructure was provided and an effective personnel policy was implemented.

I would like to thank each employee of the agency for their contribution and work done in the process of dealing with the most difficult tasks of protecting the country’s security during the reporting year, and I would like to note that the support of the Parliament of Georgia is extremely important for our Service”, - said Grigol Liluashvili.