19 September 2024,   05:17
We didn’t receive evidence, everyone is asking us for details. If there is no evidence, the investigation will not result in anything - Liluashvili on Partskhaladze

The information provided during the interrogation by Otar Fartskhaladze [former Prosecutor General of Georgia], sanctioned by the US, doesn’t differ from the information he posted in the public space. Such a statement made the Head of the State security Service of Georgia.

“The day after the criminal investigation, he was interrogated. Our office, according to the current legislation, has the right to make an inquiry.

The information provided by him in the interrogation mode is no different from the information he posted in the public space. You will probably understand the content. Partskhaladze didn’t said more than what he announced in the public space.

All the necessary investigative actions have been taken according to the investigation plan. Most of them have been implemented, some are in the process of implementation.

We didn’t receive evidence, although a request for legal assistance was sent through the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia, a long time ago, and a request was sent through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the US Department of State, but we didn’t receive any details.

On the contrary, everyone is asking us for details. This is very thought provoking. If the US special services and our partners had this information, it seems that they do not trust the Georgian special services and did not provide it.

Within the framework of the close and fruitful cooperation between our services, classified information of much more sensitive and intended for greater effect is exchanged on a daily basis, and our relationship is exemplary.

I am sure that if our partners had information about Partskhaladze’s possible criminal activities in advance, they would have provided us with a high probability.

In addition to the US counterpart agencies, we have contacted the majority of our partners, if they have any operational information regarding the possible connections between Partskhaladze and the Russian special services.

Every article, regardless of its severity, requires a high standard of evidence, which is implemented in our country. In order to establish a charge, it needs a court decision, so investigative actions must be firmly established.

If there is no evidence, of course, the investigation cannot end with results. The result will not be achieved in the court to prove the guilt of this or that person.

Investigations of the circle of persons who may have been in contact with him are ongoing. This is the closest circle of people.

Partskhaladze has confirmed that he has dual citizenship, which is not a criminal offence. Evidence is a person’s consent or a document. A copy is not evidence.

He left Georgia the day after the interrogation. Where he flew to and where he will fly to is personal information. Maybe he flew to another country, maybe to Russia”, - said Grigol Liluashvili.