19 September 2024,   05:06
Investigation into the case of Otar Fartskhaladze is ongoing, a number of investigative actions have already been carried out - Shotadze

Otar Partskhaladze’s case is being investigated in the State Security Service of Georgia [SSSG], there are interests in the investigation, and I cannot go beyond the scope that the head of the investigative unit spoke about. Such a statement made today the Prosecutor General of Georgia.

“The SSSG is conducting an investigation regarding the statement of the US Department of State regarding the inclusion of Otar Partskhaladze in the sanctioned list.

A few days ago, the Head of the mentioned investigative service spoke about the details of the investigation. This investigation is ongoing and all necessary investigative actions are being taken.

We carry out prosecutorial supervision, although the investigation is carried out by SSSG. The investigation is ongoing, there are interests of the investigation, and I cannot go beyond the scope that the head of the investigative unit spoke about, again, based on the interests of the investigation. I can’t talk about more details.

Since 2013, Partskhaladze has had no contact with our agency, after he resigned from the position he held, nor can he have. There is no fact of this, it is just speculation. As for our meeting, it is a publicly known fact that we were connected by a professional relationship and there were also cases of meetings”, - said Irakli Shotadze.