19 September 2024,   05:00
Hamas barbarism threatens the Jews, it threatens the Middle East, it threatens Europe, it threatens the world - Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking alongside French President Emmanuel Macron, compares Hamas’s October 7 attack to the Holocaust, citing Babyn Yar and Anne Frank as he lists the atrocities: “Hamas butchered, Hamas beheaded, Hamas burned babies alive, Hamas raped, Hamas kidnapped hostages”.

“As in the Second World War, when the French supported the anti-Nazi resistance, today the international community is uniting in support of Israel. Hamas barbarism threatens the Jews, it threatens the Middle East, it threatens Europe, it threatens the world.

We are doing everything we need to do to destroy Hamas in Gaza. We will dismantle its terror machine, we will dismantle its political structure. We will make every effort to release our hostages. And we will take every effort to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way. Hamas must be destroyed”, - Netanyahu stresses as the key aim of the war.