19 September 2024,   05:17
Citizen of Ukraine - Ganna ILYasova, also known to the public as Anna Lakoba, crossed the Georgian state border and left the country in 2018 - MIA

The Ministry of Internal Affairs would like to inform the public regarding the information spread by media alleging that a member of the Russian army - Ana Lakoba is in Georgia.

“Based on the information verified by the relevant services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we would like to explain to the public that the citizen of the Republic of Ukraine - Ganna ILYasova, also known to the public as Anna Lakoba, crossed the Georgian state border and left the country in 2018.

The mentioned citizen, while crossing the state border of Georgia, used the passport issued by the Republic of Ukraine.

After 2018, the person with the mentioned personal data has not crossed the state border of Georgia.

According to the travel document of the mentioned citizen at the time of crossing the border, there was no violation of the law of Georgia on occupied territories”, - reads the statement of the Ministry.