19 September 2024,   05:20
Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested 5 persons connected with “thieves’ world”

The employees of the main division for the fight against organized crime under the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the General Prosecutor’s Office, arrested 5 people in Tbilisi and Batumi, as a result of complex operational measures and investigative actions, based on the judge’s decision.

The following persons were detained for “membership of the thieves’ world”, “appeal to a member of the thieves’ world”, supporting activities of “the thieves’ world” and violence committed in group: G.A. (DoB 1985), M.A. (DoB 1974), N.A. (DoB 1988) J.J. (DoB 1976), and a citizen of a foreign country, R.H. (DoB 1989).

The committed crimes envision up to 10 years in prison.

The investigation established that a financial dispute arose in one of the construction companies in the city of Batumi, after which a citizen of a foreign country working in the company, in order to receive material benefits, appealed to the criminal authority, G.A., (DoB 1985) through a person supporting the activities of the “thieves’ world”.

To resolve the existing dispute, in the city of Batumi, the so-called “criminal skirmish” was arranged, where the criminal authority told one of the founders of the company that a “thief in law” was involved in the dispute and the issue should be resolved according to the rules of the “thieves’ world”. One of the shareholders of the company was physically assaulted by the defendants and ordered to pay USD 75,000 under the threat of liquidation.

Members of the “Thieves’ World” and supporters of the “Thieves’ World” systematically contacted the victim, insulted him verbally and demanded the cover the amount owed by him.

As a result of the personal search and search of the residential houses of the defendants, the police seized mobile phones as evidence, through which they communicated with each other as well as with the “thief in law” residing abroad.

The investigation is being conducted in accordance with Article 223 (1), part I, Article 223 (3), part III, Article 223 (4), part I and Article 126, sub-paragraph “b” of the Criminal Code of Georgia.