29 June 2024,   10:42
Former Italian Prime Minister is also among the candidates for the position of the President of the European Council

The members of the European Union consider former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi as one of the main candidates for the position of President of the European Council. This is what the British newspaper “Financial Times” reported, referring to several EU officials, including diplomats.

Meanwhile, sources close to Draugi have announced that the former head of the Italian government himself is not applying for any leading position in the EU institutions.

The newspaper said other potential candidates for the presidency of the European Council include current Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and current Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Unlike Draghi, both prime ministers are connected to the major European political parties, which is an important factor for appointments to leading positions in EU institutions. Draghi’s non-partisanship could “hurt him”, an unnamed EU diplomat told the newspaper.

The newspaper’s publication also mentions that, although Italy could support Draghi’s promotion to a high position, the Central and Eastern European member states have long indicated that Western Europeans too often occupy leading positions in the EU institutions.