26 June 2024,   16:15
First of all, Gakharia has to hold a “debate” with his debtors, which remained numerous after the failed 2021 elections, both in the form of discarded companies and former party members - Kobakhidze

We have no questions to Giorgi Gakharia about why he acted on the dictates of Nino Lomjaria on June 20, why he stationed the special forces in front of the gates of Parliament and not behind the gates and, accordingly, why he made them a direct target of the aggressors, writes the Chairman of Georgian Dream on the social network, responding to the offer of Giorgi Gakharia [Chairman of the “For Georgia” party] to hold a debate with Bidzina Ivanishvili.

“Gakharia provoked Bidzina Ivanishvili into a debate. I wouldn’t have responded to this 5-word anecdote at all, if the 2% Gakharia was not a standard example of “stupid” arrogance. Leaving everything aside, Gakharia first has to hold a “debate” with his debtors, which remained numerous after the failed 2021 elections, both in the form of discarded companies and former party members.

The main reason for the absurdity of Gakharia’s statement is not that the compromised and servile chairman of the 2% party brazenly invites a person with special merit to the country to a debate.

The main reason for the absurdity is that the man who has looked into the matter doesn’t even have to ask Gakharia about any topic:

We don’t have any question with him about why he arbitrarily rushed into “Basiani” and why he artificially created the first precedent of confrontation between the youth and the police; Why did he lie to us that he took out a lot of video evidence proving the use of drugs during the invasion of “Basiani” and why did he hide the next day when he had to present this evidence at our request; Why did the “Euronats” and “NGO-shnik” organizers of the action create complete comfort for him when he apologized to his own rioting youths and why they did not threaten him with bottles, unlike the then Prime Minister;

We don’t have any questions to him about why he expelled the local police officers to protect the forest in Mestia; Nor about why he made the police in the Pankisi valley the object of heavy abuse; Why did he systematically discredit the power structures, which is the most effective tool for weakening the state;

We have no questions to him about why he acted on the dictates of Nino Lomjaria on June 20 - why he placed the special forces in front of the gates of the parliament and not behind the gates and therefore made them a direct target of the aggressors; why he didn’t use water cannon and why he ordered the use of rubber bullets; We have no questions with him about why he aggressively demanded the parliamentarians to remove Melia’s immunity, why he promised them to arrest him and then shamelessly refused to arrest him; Why did he ask to postpone the special operation for two days, when the delay would only complicate the special operation, which was confirmed later; Why did he claim that the special operation would result in bloodshed, when Vakhtang Gomelauri performed this operation in a week without any blood or hair loss;

We have no questions about why he created a coalition with the “[United] National Movement” in 4 municipalities and why he sank with “Nationals” into a political grave, when he promised the public to end them during his Prime Ministership.

None of these facts require any question-and-answer. The fact that Giorgi Gakharia is a traitor is not a theorem, but an axiomatic truth. Thank God, today Georgia is much more independent and sovereign, which allows us that such people no longer hold the positions of minister and prime minister.

Accordingly, we advise Giorgi Gakharia not to get too involved in the debates and play Tik Tok with Buchukuri and Liluashvili, who are counting the last months of the parliamentarian game”, - writes Irakli Kobakhidze.