16 September 2024,   23:03
Prime Minister started his visit to Davos - Irakli Garibashvili attended the reception organized by the Founder and Executive Chairman of the Economic Forum

Georgian Prime Minister, together with the leaders and top-tier company executives participating in the Davos Economic Forum, attended a reception hosted on behalf of the Founder and Executive Chairman of the Forum, Professor Klaus Schwab, and his spouse, Hilde Schwab.

In line with tradition, the reception honoring the Economic Forum’s participant global leaders and executives of top-tier companies was held in Davos.

Besides, Irakli Garibashvili held his first meeting, with Levent Çakıroğlu, CEO of Koç Holding. The discussed topics included the key directions of the company’s activities in Georgia, also prospects of enhanced cooperation on new projects and spheres.

The parties reviewed the country’s ongoing positive economic trends. As the Prime Minister pointed out, in recent years Georgia has enjoyed a high economic growth as a result of the Government’s prudent economic policy. It was noted that Georgia attracts investors in many ways, including the country’s IT sector that offers some of the most beneficial tax terms and enjoys dynamic development.

The parties also discussed matters pertaining to cooperation in the area of tourism. The Prime Minister underlined the country’s great potential in this direction and emphasized that, as a result of the Government’s policy, direct revenues from tourism have been on the rise in recent years. The parties agreed to continue cooperating in the future.

Koç Holding, a major Turkish company, ranks among the world’s 500 wealthiest firms. As a global player from the Turkish market, it holds leading positions with competitive advantages in energy, automotive, and finance sectors. The company runs more than 60 production facilities abroad and exports to more than 150 countries, including the US, the UK, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Egypt, France, Italy, Romania, Australia, China, and others. The company employs 105,000 people, and its revenues make up 34.97 billion USD. Koç Group owns several hotels in Georgia.