16 September 2024,   22:52
I think that neither Georgia, nor Ukraine, nor Moldova are role models - Iago Khvichia on the Eastern Partnership Index study

Neither Georgia, nor Ukraine, nor Moldova are role models. Such a statement made today MP from Girchi, Iago Khvichia, while commenting the Eastern Partnership Index study

“I think that neither Georgia, nor Ukraine, nor Moldova are role models. Three such countries, which are behind everything in the world in this respect, and competing with each other, do not represent a subject of great interest to me. Neither Ukraine nor Moldova are our role models in democracy, court and justice system, protection of property rights. Therefore, whether we are behind them or ahead of them, it does not make any principled difference to me”, - said Iago Khvichia.

Georgia ranks third among the Eastern Partnership members based on the Eastern Partnership Index. The research awards Georgia 0.63 points. Moldova secures the 1st place, while Ukraine takes the second place. The document is based on the assessment of 3 main directions: Democracy, Good Governance and Rule of Law, Political Convergence with the EU, and Sustainable Development.

“Georgia lost considerable ground across both democracy and good governance, and policy convergence indicators, in fact Georgia’s performance was characterised by a significant downwards drift, if not a sharp plunge in many areas which reflects the country’s political polarisation. Significant decreases occurred in almost all thematic areas overseen by this Index, (namely democratic rights, elections and political pluralism, the fight against corruption, human rights protection mechanisms, state accountability, independent media, public administration, market economy, freedom, security and justice, and environment and climate policy), with the exception of freedom of assembly”, - reads the report.