29 June 2024,   10:39
Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 6% in a Reuters/Ipsos poll

Donald Trump leads Democratic President Joe Biden by 6% in a Reuters/Ipsos poll that showed Americans are unhappy about an election rematch that came into sharper focus this week.

The nationwide poll of 1,250 U.S. adults showed Trump leading Biden 40% to 34% with the rest unsure or planning to vote for someone else or no one. The poll had a margin of error of three percentage points.

That represented a gain for Trump after a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted earlier this month showed him and Biden tied, though a nationwide survey does not capture the subtleties of the electoral college contest that will be decided this fall in just a handful of competitive states.

As Trump handily beat his sole remaining primary challenger, Nikki Haley in New Hampshire on Tuesday, some 67% of respondents polled Monday through Wednesday said they were “tired of seeing the same candidates in presidential elections and want someone new”. Still, just 18% said they would not vote if Biden and Trump were their choice.

“I hate to think that we"re constantly navigating the lesser of two evils”, said Kimberly Sofge, a 56-year-old project manager in Washington, D.C., this week. “I honestly feel that we can do better”.

The two candidates themselves seem ready for a rematch following Trump’s back-to-back wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, with the White House regarding Trump as a beatable challenger, and Trump fuming because Haley did not immediately drop out of the Republican race.