03 July 2024,   22:25
We are entering a very difficult period now, we should be ready for everything - Zourabichvili

Around these elections, there will be a miraculous battle of the dark forces that do not want neither the independence, nor the sovereignty, nor the Europeanness of Georgia. Such a statement the President of Georgia made at the event dedicated to the day of the Soviet occupation.

“We are entering a very difficult period now, when we are preparing for elections, which (everyone tells us and we know very well) will be decisive in order to take the next step, which is even more important, that is, opening negotiations, so around these elections there will be a miraculous battle of all the dark forces that do not want the independence of Georgia, nor the sovereignty of Georgia, nor the Europeanness of Georgia.

Therefore, these elections will be like: - “Europe or not Europe” - this type of elections and we should be ready for everything: for the activation of Russian propaganda, which we are already seeing; for the activation of pro-Russian groups, which we also see, they may not call themselves that, but they are, and there will be many of them, and it will probably not be difficult to finance them.

The main thing I want to tell you is: - You must be mobilized. This is your country, your future and your state. You have to be mobilized and alert, and most importantly, you have to do your job. But the mobilization of the people, the mobilization of the youth is something that can actually defeat all other efforts that can be made. We must be ready, but we must fear nothing!”, - said Salome Zourabichvili.