27 July 2024,   04:49
There are donors who hide their funding in Georgia, this is a hiding of foreign money - Papuashvili

Georgia’s legislation is violated every day by the fact that Georgian parties are secretly financed by various foundations, I don’t think any EU politician is against the rule of law. Such a statement made today Speaker of the Parliament, while talking about the draft law on “Transparency of Foreign Influence”.

“The starting point for us is the legislation of Georgia. The legislation of Georgia is violated every day by the secret financing of Georgian parties by various foundations. This violation must be eliminated, and I don"t think any EU politician is against the rule of law.

As for the name, this name is taken from the draft EU directive initiated by the European Commission, which uses exactly this terminology. “Representative of the interests of foreign countries” - there is generally an even heavier term, it is about the transparency of the representation.

The directive refers to the transparency of the representatives of the interests of foreign countries, the terminology is more difficult than ours, when it is related to the pursuit of the interests of foreign countries.

There are organizations that enter our independent country and secretly finance parties, which is prohibited by law.

They secretly finance radical groups, which is also prohibited by law, so that journalists and citizens of Georgia do not know anything. When we ask these funds, maybe inform the citizens about it, there is a deaf wall about it.

In fact, they are telling us that we will finance it, no one is asking you how and to whom we will finance it. I am interested in the position of you, the citizens of Georgia, do you want this kind of attitude towards your country, the foundations financed political parties in violation of the law, used various schemes and did not even put you in the course of the case. Good deeds should not be hidden, bad deeds should be hidden”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.