27 July 2024,   04:52
Parts of Georgia are under Russian illegal occupation… I am glad that together we condemn Russia’s aggression, protect the sanctions imposed by the EU - Olaf Scholz

I am glad that together we condemn Russia’s aggression and also protect the sanctions imposed by the European Union. Such a statement the German Chancellor made at the joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Georgia.

“We know that Russia continues its imperialist plans, it concerns not only Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine, but we must not forget that Georgia itself was a victim of Russian aggression in 2008, parts of Georgia are under Russian illegal occupation, and that is why it is very important that we emphasize, we cannot and will not tolerate this, Germany continues to support and will support Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

We will also support the EU observer mission, where Germany has the largest number of personnel. I am glad that together we condemn Russia’s aggression and also protect the sanctions imposed by the European Union. Thank you very much for your visit and I look forward to future cooperation”, - said Olaf Scholz.