27 July 2024,   04:35
Georgian people elected the Parliament… it is wrong when it is prohibited and advised without arguments what to accept and what not to accept – Papuashvili

Georgian people elected the Parliament to pass Georgian laws. It is wrong when it is prohibited and advised without arguments what to accept and what not to accept. Such a statement made today the Speaker of the Parliament.

“Yesterday, we saw once again that there was an attempt to block, shout down the discussion. This is the most obvious example of dogmatism. Their only argument is that ‘we were told’ from abroad not to pass this law.

The United National Movement spoke yesterday about holding a plebiscite. But what will be the result? If the people come out for a plebiscite will the instructions from abroad matter? That wasn’t the starting point then. I am surprised by this attitude of MPs towards their mandate because they are people’s representatives. The representative of the people is the Parliament of Georgia. What we see today from some radical groups, including foreign actors, is that they are trying to restrict legislature from exercising its representative powers. Georgian people elected the Parliament to pass Georgian laws. It is wrong when it is prohibited and advised without arguments what to accept and what not to accept”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.